Thursday, December 5, 2019

Conceptual Framework Innovation Performance-Myassignmenthelp.COm

Question: Discuss About The Conceptual Framework Innovation Performance? Answer: Introduction Leadership is the most important part of any organization which determines its success or failure. In the more globalized world the leaders need to be highly competent in handling cultural diversity. CQ or cultural quotient is the ability to work across cultural platforms dealing with people from various cultural backgrounds (Alon 2016). The Hofstede cultural model has been helpful in determining cultural nature of different countries and organizations. The leaders need to find out their own cultural quotient in order to understand the areas where he or she is competent enough to deal with cultural diversity and to understand the areas of weakness in which he or she needs to work (Overall 2015). In this paper my cultural intelligence has been diagnosed and the challenges I will face has been analyzed in the light of my cultural intelligence. My Power Distance Analysis My power distance score is 19 which reflect my view that the higher authority is rightfully in a position which must earn them respect. However, this does not mean that I see my subordinates as unequal people, rather this means that I believe in a system that is hierarchical and systematic. The power should flow from top to bottom in a systematic way and no one should take advantage of their position. A person who is working below is equal in terms of rights and benefits, but the responsibilities delegated to that person should be lower than that of the people who are sitting in the authority. My Hierarchical Analysis The hierarchical score is 20 which reflects my attitude about minimizing the inequalities in the society. People from different cultural backgrounds should be treated equally and the distinction should be made in terms of responsibilities and not in terms of background. In classes I give more importance in informal dialogue and interaction while reducing the formal distance and mental barrier between the teacher and the student. The world is fast moving towards becoming a global village and more importance is gradually given on ideation and innovation rather than position and authority. In the organizational perspective this will help me in establishing a work environment which is diverse and where equality is given maximum interest. The employees can easily voice their opinion and discuss about organizational decisions. My Preference Between Collectivism Or Individualism In the cultural model developed by Hofstede there are two quotients in this regard, the culture or the individuals who give importance in collective responsibility and collective rights as a society, and the cultures which give importance to the individual rights and culture (Block and Walter 2017). The test revealed that I tend to support the idea of individualism and more driven to the welfare of my own and my family rather than a collective social development. The collective cultures are those that believe in sacrificing individual rights and desires in the benefit of the rest of the society. I believe that social welfare is important but can only be assured when I take care of my own welfare. In terms of an organization this will help me in asserting my own and my employees individual rights and desires and working towards fulfillment of individual aspirations of my employees (Ferrell and Fraedrich 2015). My Leaning Towards Feminism Or Masculanism In the cultural analysis Feminism denotes the aspect that an individual is more of an emotionally directed person who takes decision based on kindness and emotion rather than strict logic. My results indicate my leanings towards the masculine factor in which logic and reasoning is more important and competitiveness to be ahead of others is a part of daily life. In regards to my organization this will help me in establishing a competitive work culture and decisions in the betterment of the company will be taken logically. Logical decision making is better for economic institutions to avoid any kind of financial losses. My Uncertainty Acceptance It has been often described how taking risky decisions and uncertain steps may lead to huge profits, but I have seen in many cases where such actions lead to losses of large scale. Therefore, rather than taking high risk decisions I tend to make proper rules and regulations and follow those to establish a stable and gradually growing business. Risk must be taken at occasions where it is necessary, but I believe taking risk just for the sake of it would result in adverse situations. My Orientation Preference In Long Or Short Term I give importance to both traditions to fulfill my responsibilities in the culture in which I was born, and indulgence to enjoy life when the time is right. I generally avoid extremes and tend to take a path that balances all the perspectives. Obligations are important even in organizations to fulfill organizational objectives. I will establish a work culture that will shape the employees in a way that they will perform their responsibilities in the optimum way and then they can enjoy life in leisure time in the way they want. I believe in actions which gives quick results. Conclusion The cultural quotient analysis of a person reflects the nature of a person and how he or she views life. The cultural quotient is important in shaping the leadership style that a person follows when given a position of responsibility. In the age of globalization, digitization and fast paced working style, leaders need to balance their cultural point of view and work in a way that accommodates all the different and diverse nature of people that work in an organization. The above analysis shows that I give importance on hierarchy and believe that responsibility should be delegated according to the position of an employee. I believe in establishing equality and prefer a diverse work culture rather than a homogeneous one. I take logical decisions and give importance to a competitive work culture. In terms of respecting traditions and obligations I am firm but I also believe in enjoying life as a bottom-line. I do not take very uncertain and risky decisions rather I believe in the theory of slow but steady wins the race. References Alon, I., Boulanger, M., Meyers, J. and Taras, V., 2016. The development and validation of the Business Cultural Intelligence Quotient.Cross Cultural Strategic Management,23(1), pp.78-100. Block, J.H. and Walter, S.G., 2017. 2. Hofstedes cultural dimensions and modes of entry into entrepreneurship.Exploring the Entrepreneurial Society: Institutions, Behaviors and Outcomes, p.22. Ferrell, O.C. and Fraedrich, J., 2015.Business ethics: Ethical decision making cases. Nelson Education. Overall, J., 2015. A conceptual framework of innovation and performance: The importance of leadership, relationship quality, and knowledge management.Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal,21(2), p.41.

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