Monday, December 30, 2019
Sex and Dominance in The Ghost Road Essay - 3936 Words
Sex and Dominance in The Ghost Road Pat Barkers The Ghost Road is a masterful literary integration of sex and war. The novels protagonist, the lascivious, bisexual Billy Prior once remarks: Whole bloody western fronts a wankers paradise, a statement with far-reaching implications concerning aggression and eroticism (Barker 177). The novel concludes a successful trilogy, beginning with Regeneration (1991) and The Eye in the Door (1993). Winner of the prestigious Booker Prize Award in 1995, The Ghost Road delves into many standard Booker motifs, such as war, the British class system, memory, and childhood, but Barker revitalizes these worn subjects. With prostitutes, lecherous priests, and the naked body, she†¦show more content†¦Unlike the crying child, Prior is duly subservient to the doctors orders. Doctor Mather infantilizes Prior, calling him laddie (Barker 11). His examination by the dominating doctor reminds Prior of his childhood, and of his early sexual liaisons with men. At this early point, Ba rker leaves the reader in the dark as to Priors history as a male prostitute. Clues to this history arise throughout the first half of the novel in flashes, as memories of childhood trauma. This opening scene incorporates a variety of dynamics. First, the squad of running soldiers entices Priors sexual appetite, as do the bodies of his own men later on at the baths. This outlines the sexual and military objectification of the male physique. Second, the domineering doctor anally penetrates the passive Prior with his fingers, which Prior interprets as an intermingling of medical and sexual authority. For Prior, the line between clinical and sexual authority blurs. Later, in the baths, Priors command authority over his naked men mixes with his desire to exercise sexual authority. Third and finally, the doctor infantilizes his patient, spurring ghostly memories of childhood sexual abuse. As steeped as this scene is in sexual innuendo, this is just the beginning; Barkers booker is overripe with sexual subtexts and FoucaultianShow MoreRelatedMarriage Is A Sacred Action, And The Bondage Between Individuals Essay1538 Words  | 7 Pageswhich one individual has multipl e spouses at the same time†(Cultural Anthropology, 207). Polygamy is mostly practiced in Asia and African. Polygamy has become better known through media, such as the television show â€Å"Sister Wives.†Polygamy, like same-sex marriage, has encountered problems. According to Peter Nash Swisher, in his article â€Å"‘I Now Pronounce You Husband and Wives’: The Case for Polygamous Marriage after United States v. Windsor and Burwell v. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Jews And The Jewish Population - 760 Words
Germany was ready to do everything they could in their power to make the Jewish population hated. They filled televised shows with hateful non-humanlike cartoons, put up disgusting paintings all over, and talked bad about the Jew’s on the radio. They also started teaching young children along with teenagers in Germany that Jewish people were not to be trusted stating that they were disgusting people so that the younger German’s would grow up with hatred for the Jew’s. Germany was willing to do everything they possibly could for all Germans to have hate along with despise for the Jew’s. The propaganda campaign was started and became very successful, it encouraged passivity and hate for the Jewish population. Scapegoating was caused as the Jewish population was being blamed and receiving negative treatment after being singled out by Germany. They were being singled out by being called out by the Nazi’s, for example they labeled Jews as â€Å"apes and pigs of a subhuman race who will hide behind stones and trees.†(Grossman, Page 3). Negative accusations of the Jewish population were being made daily, some which included â€Å"they are rich and money sticks to their fingers or parasites, capitalist exploiters and shy away from productive work†( Karady,PG 302). The believed reason for all of the scapegoating was because Germany was being reminded of the Jewish subversion and foreign enemies. Scapegoating was the reason the propaganda campaign was formed for the Jew’s. There were manyShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Jews On Jewish Population During The Nazi Regime1119 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Final Solution of the Nazis concerning the Jews. On January 20th 1942, 15 leading officials of the Nazi state met at a villa in Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin, to discuss the â€Å"Final solution of the Jewish Question†(â€Å"The Final Solution,†2015). They used the term â€Å"Final Solution†to refer to their plan to annihilate the Jewish people. It is not known when the leaders of Nazi Germany definitively decided to implement their plan to eradicate the Jews†(â€Å"United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,†2015)Read MoreAnti Semitism And The Jewish Population1304 Words  | 6 Pagesand scapegoating have served as the roots of Jewish discrimination around the world. Universally known as anti-Semitism, hostility and prejudice to the Jewish population has been evident even in a modern, ethnically diverse society. In many ca ses, Jews have been singled out because of their different religious beliefs and traditions. Several incidents involving anti-Semitism have occurred worldwide, illustrating widespread discrimination against the Jewish people. Using an international survey to measureRead MoreThe Jewish Community1330 Words  | 6 Pages For many members of the Jewish community, the nature of their identity has been a question that has shaped their position in the modern world. Does the term Jew only consider a group of religious followers? Or does the classification of Jew have much broader nationalistic implications? The Jews of the Habsburg Empire during the 18th and 19th centuries, and more specifically in the crown land of Galicia, began to reexamine their political identities. As German Liberalism grew in popularity someRead MoreThe Expansion Of The Jewish Population868 Words  | 4 PagesBefore World War II there had been Jews living in Eastern Europe since before the Medieval Ages. It seems as if the Jewish population had grown accustom to their ever changing role in society, based off of who was in power and in what area they lived. 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Most of the 17th century Jewish immigrants were small farmers from Germany and Poland. T F 3. Declining economic conditions in central Europe contributed to a dramatic increase in Jewish immigration to the U.S. after 1820. T F 4. During the 1920s and 1930s millions of Jews entered the U.S. fleeing the persecution in Read MoreThe Jewish Community1104 Words  | 5 PagesThe Jewish community is Kalisz, Poland, was heralded as both the oldest Jewish community and the most populous, numbering at 15,300 Jews in 1939, or 30% of the total Jewish population worldwide. As a result of the Second World War, this no community no longer exists (â€Å"Jewish Community†). The catastrophic affects of the Holocaust and this war on the Jewish community is virtually uncontested today, however the exact toll it had is difficult to ascertain; exact statistics of the camps and of the exoduses
Friday, December 13, 2019
Observing a Preschool Classroom Bicultural Free Essays
July 1, 2012 M L HD 351/551 Assignment#5 Book reflection: â€Å"Resolving conflicts at work†Reading some of â€Å"The ten strategies for everyone on the job†, one that I found very important was, â€Å"Why people engage in difficult behavior†, is because, sometimes we judge people by their difficult behavior, and we do not take the time to ask â€Å"Why†they behave that way. For us could seems (senseless) or irrational to us, we ought to find out why they behave that way. Every time we ask an honest, emphatic question â€Å"Why†, we ask may lead to a more accurate description of the reasons they chose to engage in difficult behaviors. We will write a custom essay sample on Observing a Preschool Classroom Bicultural or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every accurate description of those behaviors can help us to develop a strategy for stopping or discouraging them. One story in the reading is about a group of employees learned this lesson when they asked the question â€Å"Why†one person refused to go along with the consensus and adamantly refuse to accept the design favored by the rest of the group. Her†difficult behavior†created considerable conflict and criticism, but she held firm, seeming to enjoy the conflict and smiling as she stood her ground. By asking â€Å"Why†and other open-ended questions, they discovered that her real issue had nothing to do with her design of the coordinating committee, but concerned her work team where she had been unsuccessful in raising or solving the problem. Another important point that I read was, that sometimes family or co-workers engage in difficult behavior because they have family problems at home. One example, I recall when I was supervising this person with a difficult behavior, I found out she was having personal problems, I never asked the question â€Å"why†. Perhaps if I would have the knowledge of this book â€Å"Resolving conflicts at work†, it could be easier for me to work with this person. What the author want us to believe is to understand better, why people behave that way, never to blame them for their difficult personally. Moreover, not regarding their negative behavior, but honestly calling attention to the difficulties it creates for us. One of the patterns I have discovered in the reading was that we would find people with this kind of difficult behavior in our job, co-workers and our own families; I read that difficult behaviors start in the family. Some of these difficult behaviors probably began long before we entered in their lives. Another important point in â€Å" The ten strategies†talks about some difficult behaviors people have since childhood, they follow a pattern because no one resolved their conflicts before. Resolving conflicts at work†strategy 7 we also learned how to understand people with difficult behaviors, bust also talks about methods for changing difficult behaviors. By focusing on the behaviors of the others, offering empathetic feedback, ceasing to reward their behaviors, and searching for collaborative solutions, it is possible for us to shift from feeling hopeless in our conflicts to being strategic about them. The follow methods can help us to become more strategic in our re sponse to difficult behaviors. They developed these methods to support the staff of a large U. S. government agency in changing their focus defining their problems as difficult people and personalities to identifying the chronic behavioral problems within the organization and developing the skills, they needed to address them. These are only a few of the methods. * Surfacing the conflict: They began by interviewing the staff about their experiences with conflicts in the work place. Summarized the main issues and distributed their comments to everyone without censoring or watering them down. They make a list of all the problems that needed to be solved and placed them on the table for discussion, negotiation, and problem solving. * Conflict coaching: It talks about coaching the leadership team in the organization on how best to respond to conflicts and the difficult behaviors that created them, how to model openness to criticism, how to be strategic by not rewarding them, and how to reward honest, empathetic communications instead. Teamwork: By having a group conflict resolution session, they assigned everyone to random teams and asked them to read the comments from the interviews. I believed in today’s competitive workplace, your ability to communicate is the most important business skill. After reading this book, â€Å"Resolving conflicts at work†, I am planning to use these strategies when I need to resolve a conflict at work. One of my question s is â€Å"How can we resolve our conflicts with our own brothers and sisters†. How to cite Observing a Preschool Classroom Bicultural, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Conceptual Framework Innovation Performance-Myassignmenthelp.COm
Question: Discuss About The Conceptual Framework Innovation Performance? Answer: Introduction Leadership is the most important part of any organization which determines its success or failure. In the more globalized world the leaders need to be highly competent in handling cultural diversity. CQ or cultural quotient is the ability to work across cultural platforms dealing with people from various cultural backgrounds (Alon 2016). The Hofstede cultural model has been helpful in determining cultural nature of different countries and organizations. The leaders need to find out their own cultural quotient in order to understand the areas where he or she is competent enough to deal with cultural diversity and to understand the areas of weakness in which he or she needs to work (Overall 2015). In this paper my cultural intelligence has been diagnosed and the challenges I will face has been analyzed in the light of my cultural intelligence. My Power Distance Analysis My power distance score is 19 which reflect my view that the higher authority is rightfully in a position which must earn them respect. However, this does not mean that I see my subordinates as unequal people, rather this means that I believe in a system that is hierarchical and systematic. The power should flow from top to bottom in a systematic way and no one should take advantage of their position. A person who is working below is equal in terms of rights and benefits, but the responsibilities delegated to that person should be lower than that of the people who are sitting in the authority. My Hierarchical Analysis The hierarchical score is 20 which reflects my attitude about minimizing the inequalities in the society. People from different cultural backgrounds should be treated equally and the distinction should be made in terms of responsibilities and not in terms of background. In classes I give more importance in informal dialogue and interaction while reducing the formal distance and mental barrier between the teacher and the student. The world is fast moving towards becoming a global village and more importance is gradually given on ideation and innovation rather than position and authority. In the organizational perspective this will help me in establishing a work environment which is diverse and where equality is given maximum interest. The employees can easily voice their opinion and discuss about organizational decisions. My Preference Between Collectivism Or Individualism In the cultural model developed by Hofstede there are two quotients in this regard, the culture or the individuals who give importance in collective responsibility and collective rights as a society, and the cultures which give importance to the individual rights and culture (Block and Walter 2017). The test revealed that I tend to support the idea of individualism and more driven to the welfare of my own and my family rather than a collective social development. The collective cultures are those that believe in sacrificing individual rights and desires in the benefit of the rest of the society. I believe that social welfare is important but can only be assured when I take care of my own welfare. In terms of an organization this will help me in asserting my own and my employees individual rights and desires and working towards fulfillment of individual aspirations of my employees (Ferrell and Fraedrich 2015). My Leaning Towards Feminism Or Masculanism In the cultural analysis Feminism denotes the aspect that an individual is more of an emotionally directed person who takes decision based on kindness and emotion rather than strict logic. My results indicate my leanings towards the masculine factor in which logic and reasoning is more important and competitiveness to be ahead of others is a part of daily life. In regards to my organization this will help me in establishing a competitive work culture and decisions in the betterment of the company will be taken logically. Logical decision making is better for economic institutions to avoid any kind of financial losses. My Uncertainty Acceptance It has been often described how taking risky decisions and uncertain steps may lead to huge profits, but I have seen in many cases where such actions lead to losses of large scale. Therefore, rather than taking high risk decisions I tend to make proper rules and regulations and follow those to establish a stable and gradually growing business. Risk must be taken at occasions where it is necessary, but I believe taking risk just for the sake of it would result in adverse situations. My Orientation Preference In Long Or Short Term I give importance to both traditions to fulfill my responsibilities in the culture in which I was born, and indulgence to enjoy life when the time is right. I generally avoid extremes and tend to take a path that balances all the perspectives. Obligations are important even in organizations to fulfill organizational objectives. I will establish a work culture that will shape the employees in a way that they will perform their responsibilities in the optimum way and then they can enjoy life in leisure time in the way they want. I believe in actions which gives quick results. Conclusion The cultural quotient analysis of a person reflects the nature of a person and how he or she views life. The cultural quotient is important in shaping the leadership style that a person follows when given a position of responsibility. In the age of globalization, digitization and fast paced working style, leaders need to balance their cultural point of view and work in a way that accommodates all the different and diverse nature of people that work in an organization. The above analysis shows that I give importance on hierarchy and believe that responsibility should be delegated according to the position of an employee. I believe in establishing equality and prefer a diverse work culture rather than a homogeneous one. I take logical decisions and give importance to a competitive work culture. In terms of respecting traditions and obligations I am firm but I also believe in enjoying life as a bottom-line. I do not take very uncertain and risky decisions rather I believe in the theory of slow but steady wins the race. References Alon, I., Boulanger, M., Meyers, J. and Taras, V., 2016. The development and validation of the Business Cultural Intelligence Quotient.Cross Cultural Strategic Management,23(1), pp.78-100. Block, J.H. and Walter, S.G., 2017. 2. Hofstedes cultural dimensions and modes of entry into entrepreneurship.Exploring the Entrepreneurial Society: Institutions, Behaviors and Outcomes, p.22. Ferrell, O.C. and Fraedrich, J., 2015.Business ethics: Ethical decision making cases. Nelson Education. Overall, J., 2015. A conceptual framework of innovation and performance: The importance of leadership, relationship quality, and knowledge management.Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal,21(2), p.41.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Summary of current research on gluten and immunity
The objective of this study was to find out if ingestion of gluten has any relationship with symptoms in individuals who are not celiac. The study was also meant to analyze the mechanism used in gluten ingestion. The observation that has led to this study was that when prescription of a diet without gluten is increased for symptoms that are gastrointestinal in people without celiac disease, there is no enough evidence to proof that the symptoms are triggered by gluten (Hopper, Cross Sanders, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of current research on gluten and immunity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The issue of individuals who are non-celiac not tolerating gluten is controversial and is currently not applicable to relate with sensitivity of gluten in man. However, there is very little evidence to support this claim because there are no controlled trials that are randomized in order to proof existen ce of the entity. Most descriptions that have been published so far are for patients with symptoms that are linked with celiac disease such as serology or who their duodenum have intraepithelial lymphocytosis. Some patients claimed to have improved considerably when they were administered with gluten-free diet, which support the claim that non-celiac gluten sensitivity exists (Gibson Shepherd, 2010). Gluten induces bloating, lack of consistent stool, pain in the abdomen and general tiredness. All patients indicated symptoms within one week after they were administered with gluten. For the placebo group it took longer and the symptoms were less severe. This happened for all the relevant symptoms of stool satisfaction, bloating and pain. Nausea symptom was less relevant and was not shown between the treatment groups. It was interesting to find out that, among other symptoms with substantial difference between the groups, tiredness was the greatest because at the endpoint the placebo had no apparent effect. For IBS patients, tiredness is common and when gluten is used to induce it, it provides relevance to the mechanism of action. It is important to answer the question on what mechanism symptoms were triggered by gluten due to anticipation that symptomatic improvement in some patients may have been reported for patients with celiac disease that had not been diagnosed (Hopper, Cross Sanders, 2008). This disease can be patchy and there is a possibility that some patients with the disease may have been among those who were included in the study. However, no significant variations were observed in celiac antibodies observed in either group. Patients with gut disorders are known to have prevalence in intolerance with non-celiac gluten.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This study used highly selected patients because health professionals frequently failed to coop erate in the investigation work-up for celiac disease. Therapies that were self-administered with no investigation at all also posed a challenge to the study. It is important for researchers to use better methods to study these patients because the current methods are limited to ruling out celiac disease, prescription of gluten-free diet and rechallenge. Improved diagnostic can be achieved through better mechanisms of action and identifying the specific component of gluten responsible in inducing the symptoms (Hadjivassiliou, Williamson Woodroofe, 2004). In conclusion, gluten triggers gut symptoms and tiredness as this has been proofed through prescription of gluten free-diet for non-celiac patients with IBS. However, there was no evidence that gluten caused intestinal inflammation. Important questions to be studied and answered are how common the intolerance for non-celiac is and how one can identify it using a reliable method with proper identification of reliable mechanisms. Thi s should be done using a double-blind rechallenge trial that is placebo controlled and randomized on individuals with bowel syndromes that are irritable. The patients should be excluded from celiac disease and controlled symptomatically on a diet that is gluten-free. They should be fed on bread with gluten and a muffin daily with a gluten-free diet for 42 days. A visual analogue scale should be used to evaluate the symptoms (Hopper, Cross Sanders, 2008). References Gibson, P. Shepherd, S. (2010). Evidence-based dietary management of functional gastrointestinal disorders: The FODMAP approach. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 25, 252-8. Hadjivassiliou, M, Williamson, C. Woodroofe, N. (2004). The immunology of gluten sensitivity: beyond the gut.Trends Immunol, 25, 578-82. Hopper, A, Cross, S. Sanders, D. (2008). Patchy villous atrophy in adult patients with suspected gluten-sensitive enteropathy: is a multiple duodenal biopsy strategy appropriate? Endoscopy, 40, 219-24.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of current research on gluten and immunity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Summary of current research on gluten and immunity was written and submitted by user Isabell Wilkinson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The eNotes Blog A Fun Introduction to History Books That Give an Insight to Days GoneBy
A Fun Introduction to History Books That Give an Insight to Days GoneBy Books are passports to other worlds, no matter how cheesy that sounds. With that in mind, theres something particularly fascinating about works of fiction that take encompass times and events that really occurred. That isnt to say that novels taking place outside the realm of real life arent wonderful- they are, but to be able to pick up a book and see what it was truly like to live as an average person during, say, the reign of King Henry VIII and the break with the Catholic Church? Well, that is something the average person would never be able to do without the help of author-historians. The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory (Not to be biased, but this legitimately may be my favorite book of all time.) Anyone familiar with the history of King Henry VIII knows that this man had a lot of wives (six, to be exact). The most notorious of these wives was without a doubt the vixen named Anne Boleyn. Sure, the King married four women after her, but shes the one who forced him to exile his wife of many years (Queen Katherine) by breaking with the Catholic Church of Rome and forming his own (which became known as the Anglican Church). Its safe to say that Anne was a powerful and ambitious lady. The Other Boleyn Girl is narrated by Annes sister Mary, a much kinder Boleyn daughter (and mother to a couple of the Kings children- thats in the novel too). Readers follow the story of the Boleyn family in their search for power and nobility to their eventual downfall- most people know that Annes story ended with a beheading. This novel is an absolutely fabulous melding of historical facts and beautiful storytelling. Girl with the Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier The life of renowned Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer is not well-known in spite of the admiration his work continues to command, even in the modern world. What we know for sure is that this 17th-century artist rendered enchanting images of domestic life in still lifes and portraits of everyday people in the world that surrounded him. Our narrator is a young woman with the name of Griet, who is taken in by the painters house, doing menial housework in exchange for a basic living. Over time, Griet and her master, Vermeer, become increasingly close. Vermeer goes so far as to take the girl on as an apprentice, and later as a model- a model perhaps adorned with pearl earrings. The story is full of rich detail and carefully follows the tumultuous experiences and emotions of its narrator, leading to an enrapturing tale. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden Many people are familiar with the nature of what a geisha is: essentially (and I mean essentially- theres much more to being a geisha than this) a geisha is an extremely beautiful and well-learned escort. (If you want to know more specifics, this book is a good place to start.) Including many accounts from one of Japans most premier geishas, Memoirs of a Geisha gives its readers a look into what it was like to live in a world of shadowed glamour, where looks and etiquette meant everything, and where ones virginity was sold for top dollar. Fall of Giants by Ken Follett The year is 1911. It is coronation day for King George V of Britain and, across the pond, Woodrow Wilson is up for election and aided by a fleet of ambitious men. Meanwhile, in Russia, two families are divided (Romeo and Juliet-style) by enmity and class differences, but united by controversial romance; the Williams family lives off their small salary as coal miners while the Fitzherberts own the very mine in which the Williamses work. Fall of Giants manages to seamlessly blend the lives of the rich and the poor, the young and the old, and the life of the East (i.e., Russia), and the West (i.e., the United States and Great Britain). Outlander by Diana Gabaldon This is a novel that takes some liberties by including a little bit of time travel (and its done very well and much to the storys benefit). Its 1945, and WWII has come to a close. Claire Randall, a former combat nurse, has returned home to her husband, and the two trundle off to celebrate their reunion with a second honeymoon. Really, all of this sounds quite peachy- the war is over, lovers are reunited, and the future looks bright. That is, until Claire takes a weird turn through one of the Standing Stones of the British Isles and finds herself an outlander, in other words, an enemy of sorts to the warring clans of Scotland- back in 1743. Understandably bamboozled, our narrator finds herself trying to survive amidst war, spies, and treachery. As if that isnt enough, she also meets a man who shows her more intense love than shes ever known in her life. Claire is now torn not only between two time periods, but between two great loves. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak By being narrated by Death, already The Book Thief has a bit of a hook. The novel is set during the Nazi partys rise to power and the onset of WWII. Our protagonist is a young girl living outside of Munich with a foster family. After learning to read under the tutelage of her adoptive father, our heroine realizes her love of books and reads everything she can get her hands on, even if that means a little thievery. When her family decides to take in and hide a young Jewish boy in their basement, she beings to read to him too- that is, up until they begin the march to Dachau Atonement by Ian McEwan In 1934, it is safe to say that there were different ideas of what went into a courtship and, eventually, an appropriate relationship. It is also safe to say that the average thirteen-year-old girl (particularly during this time period) would not be entirely privy to the nature of romantic inclination. When thirteen-year-old Briony spots her older sister and the son of their servant getting a little flirtatious, the young girl misconstrues his intentions to be of a more aggressive nature than they perhaps are. This little misunderstanding leads to a hefty amount of trouble for all parties involved. Atonement takes place during WWII (as so many of the books on this list seem to) and follows our characters to the conclusion of the twentieth century. We are given a glimpse into the lives of people during this time period, for better or for worse.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Management of Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management of Quality - Essay Example This compelled the organization to reinforce the quality of the process that every step. A consultant was hired who recommended the use of bespoke quality management in the organization that will facilitate in incorporating major quality improvement programs (Nobel 2011; Kuballa 2007; Kanji 1995). This was a top down approach in which the significant projects were identified and were controlled by trained team. It is quite significant for the senior management to implement bespoke quality management system with instructive and constructive quality management that allows the employees to contribute towards the improvement of the organizational functions. Quality management should not be procedural like for instance the ideas that are brought by the employees should be turned down by the managers. In the top down approach of quality management, the effort made towards the quality development is cascaded down to other levels of the organization. In the top down approach of quality manag ement the senior level managers are only involved. The top down approach has certain advantages that are discussed below: In the top down approach the senior management is involved, which signifies quality management is a time taking process and senior management will be aware of it. This will make the availability of time and financial resources for the process. Any changes in the organization require proper mentoring from the senior officials. In this method the employees will get proper monitoring from the higher officials. Figure 1: Top down Approach Sources: (Author’s Creation) However, this method is not free from limitations. The primary limitation in this method is: Unnecessary delay is caused if the senior officials are not fully operational related to the changes in the quality management required. Enhancing the quality process requires use of different techniques and tools. It also requires interaction of the top management with the middle management on an everyday basis, which is unrealistic, and counterproductive (Schiller, Kovach and Miller 1994). The employees who are directly dealing with the process are seen to possess better knowledge as compared to the members of the top management. Thus, they can implement the quality changes better. Quality management system was implemented by the organization in the second stage. It is the system in which both the quality objectives and policies required to achieve those objectives are decided (Williams and Buswell 2003). The main advantage of this system is that it involves the officials of the top management and the employees from every level. This signifies the involvement of all the people from different levels of the organization. The problems in this system is that it requires a high amount of effort and documentation, often focuses on third party certification rather than business improvement and hinders business if it is self-fulfilling (OECD 2001). Figure 2: Quality Management system Sourc e: (Author’s Creation) Answer 2: A Quality management system (QMS) is a management technique that is used to communicate with the employees regarding how they can produce the desired quality of services and products. Along with this, it also looks at influencing the employee action related to the quality specification in completion of the task. There are two types of quality managemen
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