Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Epic Poem Beowulf - 3048 Words
Given, the current high profile debate with regard to dating the epic poem Beowulf, it is quite surprising that some scholars go as far as placing it during the Vendel era around 550 - 793 CE. Eventhough it is considered as a kind of folk tale, many are those who believe it happened towards the early Vendel era. As a rebuttal to this point, it might be convincingly argued that this period is also referred to as the Germanic Iron Age. Moreover, this era saw the rise of Norse mythology, which is very fatalistic in nature; it focuses on a world coming to an end in a great cataclysm. Along with this fatalism comes the willingness to die. That’s why warriors would go to fight in battles and combats. Surprisingly enough, not only the heroes die but so do the Gods. Therefore, the central value of this culture is glory and heroism. Having considered the fundamental premises upon which the Poem Beowulf took ground , it is also reasonable to look at the epitome of this epic poem which s tarts with a tale about the ancestors of the Danish king, Hrothgar who wins great fame and wealth in different battles. Therefore, he built a Mead-Hall called Herot, to commemorate his victories. The Mead-Hall took its name from a popular drink, mead, being fermented liquor which was drunk at banquets and celebrations. Herot is also a place intended for peace and community.The Mead-Hall is also a place where Hrothgar rewarded his followers for their loyalty. Evidence for in support of this opinion, canShow MoreRelatedBeowulf As An Epic Poem1940 Words  | 8 PagesBeowulf as an Epic Poem Beowulf is a legendary Old English poem believed to have been written in the eighth or ninth century. Though its origin is unclear and its author is unknown this poem has continued through time. Portions of the original transcript have been lost with the passing of time and many translations of the work have been made. Each version of the work one aspect has remained the same, its hero. In all versions of the poem the hero is characterized by his impressive strength, braveryRead MoreEpic Poem Beowulf 805 Words  | 4 PagesBeowulf is à °n à °mà °zing, epic poem with greà °t quests à °nd epic fight scenes throughout the story. It à °lso hà °d mà °ny depressing à °nd sà °d moment plà °ced in the poem. In this poem it hà °s mà °ny recurring themes plà °ced by the à °uthor. One of the centrà °l themes of Beowulf, embodied by its title chà °rà °cter, is feà °lty. à °t every step of his cà °reer, feà °lty is Beowulf s guiding virtue. Feà °lthy meà °ns à ° feu dà °l tenà °nts or và °ssà °ls sworn loyà °lty to à ° lord. There were mà °ny greà °t exà °mples of feà °lty in the epic poem BeowulfRead MoreThe Epic Poem Beowulf 3137 Words  | 13 Pages11 Given, the current high profile debate with regard to dating the epic poem Beowulf, it is quite surprising that some scholars go as far as placing it during the Vendel era around 550 - 793 CE. Eventhough it is considered as a kind of folk tale, many are those who believe it happened towards the early Vendel era. As a rebuttal to this point, it might be?convincingly argued?that this period is also referred to as the Germanic Iron Age. Moreover, this era saw the rise of Norse mythology, whichRead More Epic of Beowulf Essay - An Epic Poem1656 Words  | 7 PagesBeowulf: An Epic Poem      To qualify as an epic poem, Beowulf reflects the values of the culture in which it was created. The Anglo-Saxon culture and the poem share many of the same values. They shared a heroic ideal that included loyalty, strength, courage, courtesy, and generosity. Like all epic poems Beowulf is a long narrative work that tells the adventures of a great hero and also reflects the values of the society in which it was written. Both Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxons believedRead MoreBeowulf Is The Longest Epic Poem1316 Words  | 6 PagesBeowulf is the longest epic poem written in Old English. The story centers around the exploits of Beowulf, a heroic warrior known for his strength and bravery. The theme of heroism is prevalent throughout the poem through the use of conflict between good and evil forces. Beowulf is often engaged in selfless conquests in the pursuit of saving others, resulting in his emergence as the hero of the story. The text, while focusing on the main th eme of heroism, is divided into two main parts, Beowulf asRead MoreThe Epic Scale Of The Poem Beowulf 2968 Words  | 12 PagesThe Anglo-Saxon story of Beowulf, as it appears in the version written by an unknown author in the early Middle Ages, is unique as a rare surviving example of epic poetry in the English tradition. In this paper, I will show the qualities that make Beowulf an epic, and I will explain the significance of the epic scale of the poem by looking at the battles that take place in the story. The three great beasts that Beowulf has to defeat represent the fears of the Danes about the uncontrollable violenceRead MoreBeowulf Is The Longest Epic Poem1239 Words  | 5 Pages Beowulf is the longest epic poem written in old english ever published. The composition centres around the exploits of Beowulf, a heroic warrior known for his strength and bravery. Themes of heroism are prevalent in the famous piece of literature in relation to its noble protagonist. The poem follows an adventurous plot containing conflict between both good and evil forces. Beowulf is often engaged in selfless conquests in the pursuit of saving others from evil forces, resulting in his emergenceRead MoreHow Beowulf Is An Epic Poem934 Words  | 4 PagesTo Leave a Footprint Beowulf is an epic poem written 1000 to 1300 years ago in Old English and translated by Seamus Heaney into Modern English. Beowulf is a significant piece of literature art work not only because it is one of the earliest known works, but also because it reflects and represents the authors, the Anglo-Saxons’ culture and values. At first, this story was passed around orally, from one person to another. Then, later on, the Anglo-Saxons wrote the entire story down into a manuscriptRead MoreBeowulf And The Anglo Saxon Epic Poem, Beowulf1637 Words  | 7 Pages In the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, Beowulf, a myriad of virtues define the warrior Beowulf. Coming from his homeland, Geatland, he arrives in the land of the Danes resolute in helping King Hrothgar defeat an evil monster, Grendel. Beowulf is an impressive, strong warrior who will triumphantly defeat Grendel; moreover, he will demonstrate how one must seek glory before death, a legacy. A man’s reputation and his lineage i s exceedingly important in the patriarchal society Beowulf lives in. ConsequentlyRead More The Epic Poem - Beowulf Essay2255 Words  | 10 Pages        Beowulf is an epic poem. Why? Because (1) it is a long narrative work that relates the adventures of a great hero and (2) it reflects the values of the Anglo-Saxon society in which it was written prior to 1000AD. This Old English poem in unrhymed, four-beat alliterative style narrates, through the course of about 3200 verses, the bold killing of two monsters, Grendel and his Mother, and a fire-dragon, as well as numerous other brave deeds in lesser detail, by Beowulf, â€Å"the strongest
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leslie Knope s Privilege And White Feminism Essay
Leslie Knope’s Privilege and White Feminism in Parks And Recreation Parks And Recreation is a work place comedy utilizing dry humor to comment on the current American government system. The main character, Leslie Knope, is a white middle-aged cis-gender female who loves capitalist government, breakfast foods, and strongly believes that if you put in the hard work you can overcome anything. The show succeeds in demonstrating a women in a position of power, climbing through the ranks, and assumingly breaking the glass ceiling in the end; however, the show also succeeds in demonstrating white privilege and not recognizing Leslie Knope’s privilege. While also glorifying a capitalist society, the show refuses to acknowledge that gender inequality and racial inequality go hand in hand, due to the hierarchal nature of capitalism. Parks And Recreation portrays what white feminism looks like - underrepresentation of people of color, their struggles, systematic racism, and more. White feminism is a central problem with Hollywood’s idea of what feminism is today. People like Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Swift, and our fictional focus for analysis, Leslie Knope fail to recognize the intersection that gender, race, and LGBTQ+ have with each other. The show fails to represent people of color appropriately, does not intersect race inequality and even perpetuates racial stereotypes, doesn’t hold women of color to the same standard, and more. These are all factors
Genghis Khan Essay Example For Students
Genghis Khan Essay Genghis Khan, or Ghengis Khan as he is more widely known, was born about the year 1162 to a Mongol chieftain, Yesugei, and his wife. He was born with the name of Temujin, which means iron worker in his native language. When Temujin was born his fist was clutching a blood clot which was declared an omen that he was destined to become a heroic warrior.Very little is known of Temujin until he was around age 13 when his father declared that his son was to find a fiance and get married. After several days of travel Temujin and Yesugei came across a tribe of Mongols that were very hospitable and welcoming. Temujin was not there long when he noticed a certain girl, Borte the daughter of the chieftain. She was destined to become his wife. Temujins father died when Temjin was still young, poisoned by a group of Tatars. The Tatars were the chief power on the eastern Mongolia at the time, and long- time rivals of the Mongols. When Temujin heard how his father had died, vowed one day to avenge t he death. Temujin left Borte, returned to his tribe, with the intention to declare himself leader. At this time he was 13 years of age. Senior members of the tribe ridiculed his plans; rejected him as chief, and abandoned the youngster and his family to the Mongolian plains. While there were noble lineages among the Mongols, such as Temujins, they did not enjoy the automatic loyalty of others. Nor did seniority guarantee a position of influence or power. Leadership seems to have often been a more informal institution, open to those with the right to contest for it. As a result of this rejection, Temujin extended his vengeful intentions to his own clan members. Life was very hard for the family. It is related that when Temujin discovered his own brother stealing food from the group had no hesitation in killing him. News that he was a stern leader that would kill his own brother to keep order became widely known. On a hunting trip he was ambushed by an enemy tribe and taken prisoner. While priso ner he killed his guard and escaped. The enemy searched, but excellent survival skills kept him alive until he could meet up with his own tribe. This act of courage spread his name to all parts of the Mongolian plains. Shortly after, another raid by strangers left the family with one horse and very little food. Temujin took chase but could not catch them. During his chase he met up with Bogurchi, the son of a rich man, who would become a blood- brother and trusted ally. Bogurchi helped Temujin retrieve the stolen horses but the thieves escaped. Word of these exploits became greatly exaggerated to thus enhance his reputation even further. After four years, the time had come to marry Borte. As a wedding present her father gave him a very rare black sable fur. This gift proved to be one of the most important assets ever given to Temujin. Temujin used it to persuade Togrul, his fathers sworn-brother, to join him in revenge attacks against the Tatars and other Mongol enemies. Togrul agre ed to join and reconcile all of Temujins fathers men. Temujin was now aged seventeen. Already his road to glory had begun. Word of Temujin and Togrul spread far and wide. They called all Mongols to unite and defeat their enemies. Thousands of people came bringing weapons, food, and families. Temujin now had thousands of people under his command. The army became highly organized. They were divided into groups of tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands. Each soldier carried his own food which usually consisted of powdered yak milk and dried milk and when food was scarce the soldiers would open up a vein of their horse to drink its blood. In 1183 the Mongols that gathered declared Temujin their great Khan, or king, giving him the name Genghis. At this time, he was still a junior member of the lineage, and his election is thus somewhat of a surprise. It may well have been an attempt by senior members of the lineage to install a Khan they thought they could control. This political m aneuvering was not spectacularly successful. Causal Argument : The Negative Effect Of Mmprpg 's Online Role Playing Game EssayUpon his death the main expansionist phase of Mongol conquest ended as the armies returned home to elect a new Khan. The vast empire, now came under the banner of his son Ogadai. It was divided into three, with each region controlled by another son of Ghengis. While normally thought of as a despot, Ghengis Khan was also generous and loyal. A highly charismatic man, he nonetheless also expected loyalty from everyone, including those who served his opponents. He is reputed to have put to death people who, thinking they would gain his good graces, betrayed their lords to him. In the West, it is usually Ghengiss brilliance as a military commander that is dwelt upon. And indeed, this attention is deserved. It should be noted, however, that certain misconceptions appear to linger concerning the Mongols. They did not, in fact, invent the tactics they used with such effectiveness against their enemies, such as the feigned retreat. Rather, they brought to a new level old nomad military tactics. Even Ghengiss much vaunted organization of the military on a decimal system was to be found among the Xiong-nu, although arranging it to cut across lineages, and thus ensure greater loyalty to the leader, apparently was an innovation. Innovative too, was Ghe ngiss tendency to pluck people from the ranks. Although noble birth may well have given one a head start, one could only be assured of advancement through the ranks based on ability and loyalty. In present-day Mongolia, it is not so much his military attributes that are emphasized, but rather his administrative abilities. One should further be aware that although we talk of the Mongol army, the reality is more complicated. The commanders were indeed Mongol (even defining Mongol in this context can be tricky), but the soldiers were drawn from allies and conquered areas. Engineers from conquered sedentary populations were put into action as siege experts, and even the cavalry was a mixture of Mongol and other nomadic groups. The success of the Mongol conquests should also be attributed at least in part to two other factors. One was military intelligence. The Mongols had an extensive network of spies and usually had extensive information of an enemy before they engaged them in battle. The other was their use of psychological warfare. Much is made of the total destruction of cities in Central Asia by the Mongols. What is normally overlooked, however, is that this was more of an exception than a rule. If a city capitulated, Ghengis Khan was usually content to let them be, once their defenses had been pulled down. Only those who resisted faced the sword. This not only wiped out resistance, but more importantly, word quickly spread of the wrath of Ghengis Khan, and many peoples found it easier to submit than to resist. In short, although the Mongol successes may appear astounding, they are explainable by ordinary means. One need not look for some mystical explanation. Indeed, to do so does a disservice to the true talents of Ghengis Khan and the Mongols of the thirteenth century.
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