Thursday, September 3, 2020
The Wrong direction free essay sample
It’s been a long time since I made that directly at the principal crossing point since High School. Right up 'til the present time I despite everything wonder why, for what reason did I make that correct turn? Possibly things would’ve been unique on the off chance that I had recently halted to consider what my future would resemble. Tuning in to my friends and family would’ve appeared well and good comprehending what my future holds. Once more I wound up at another convergence just 5 years after the fact. Didn’t I become familiar with my exercise the first run through? The ineptitude in my brain continued letting me know, â€Å"Well Timmy-kid, here’s the second right.†I recently figured that on the off chance that I hit one more convergence, I’d make another right. I never figured it would take an additional seven years to get to the following crossing point, to at last refocus. Shouldn’t I have taken in something from everything? On the off chance that I had, would I have made that manage the man in obscurity uniform? I can recollect everybody yelling, â€Å"You’re going an inappropriate way!†How was I expected to know? All things considered, I was seventeen and simply moved on from High School. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Wrong bearing or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It was August of 1997 when I showed up at the University. My Mom was crying while my stepfather being the solid one grinned at me. They left leaving their kid to live all alone. I was beginning new. I realized I had needed it, the opportunity and the amazing celebrating that school would bring. Well that’s when I made my first right turn. I realized I required a training; I just wasn’t develop enough to shuffle my future yet. That was my first misstep. So there I was making that correct turn. When I made that correct I saw something peculiar, I was taking a gander at steps. As I looked into those means I saw peculiar letters going into a blurred yellow house with purple screens. The house appeared to be in helpless condition, however the sounds originating from inside that yellow house was blocking out each idea from my brain. I ended up at a Fraternity party, and right when I entered those means school had flown directly by me. Three years had quite recently been sucked away from my life. What did I need to appear for it? All I appeared to have taken from that entire experience is 29 smelling credits, withdrawals from throughout the morning classes, sweethearts I can’t recall and a lot of companions. I woke up to a call one morning; it was my mother calling me. By then it was past the point of no return. Mother had called to reveal to me school was finished on the off chance that it was her cash paying, so I got my things and drove together to New Jersey in a rusted out U-Haul truck.I went through the following two years in New Jersey, and I was going no place quick. I was en route to work in May of 2002 when I found that next crossing point. I saw a man in a dull uniform who had guaranteed me an occupation, fortune, instruction and cash. All I needed to do was transfer ownership of my life. At the point when I enlightened my family concerning it they all cautioned me with, â€Å"No, Don’t do it!†As much as they beseeched me not to surrender, it was past the point of no return as I had just settled on my choice. I had turned ideal for the subsequent time. Interest before long transformed into dread as I was delivered out to Fort Jackson with my head shaved, stayed with more than 15 needles and pushing through Boot Camp shrouded in mud and a Drill Sergeant continually yelling at me. I didn’t even have the opportunity to think what I had gotten myself into. Everything happened so quick. At that point some way or another as though to toss salt on my injuries, the news was gradually advancing from the entirety of different Soldiers in the boulevards to the privates I was encircled by. Saddam’s got weapons of mass decimation, and I’m stuck in the most exceedingly terrible spot possible.The Army is the blade of our extraordinary country, and I’m sitting at its tip. The following two months until I moved on from training camp and Advanced Individual Training got twice as long and twice as more awful with that news. Everybody needed to push through training camp with that on their brains. Well through unrest and stress, I at last graduated following seventeen weeks from when I initially showed up at Fort Jackson. I was at long last on my route home for a pleasant long break. I hadn’t even went through about fourteen days at home before my unit got called up. We were leaving for Iraq in multi week. The following 7 years of my life would have been long and overwhelming, as I was a Soldier first and a resident second. I burned through seventy five percent of 10 years making the best of things. Rather than simply following requests, I was proactive. I tuned in and gained from my incredible pioneers, and overlooked the terrible ones. I had cleared my path through the positions and advancements quicker than anybody around me. To the shock of everybody I experience even right up 'til the present time, they can’t accept that I’ve accomplished the position of Sergeant First Class in just six years. It takes the vast majority at any rate thirteen years. What else might I be able to state; I had at long last discovered my development. The time had come to get my life in the groove again, and instruction was looking like gold to me.Here I sit reviewing an individual article that you’re in certainty perusing at this moment. You’ve go through a quick form of the most recent 12 years of my life and got together with me at the correct second. The motivation behind why I’m permitting you into my contemplations is on the grounds that I can see it now, the third crossing point. I at last settled on the choice to stay with my premonition. It is the choice I’ve pondered throughout the previous 12 years; the future I owe myself and the one my family needs for me. I’m making another correct turn. Before you ask yourself â€Å"Why, why experience everything once more? Didn’t you get familiar with the initial two times?†Before I answer that question, let me simply pass on this message. On the off chance that I needed to do it once more I would. The encounters, companions and figuring out how to be a pioneer that I’ve taken from everything, constrained me to turn into the man I am today. Possibly that’s the main thing that would have woken me up from youthfulness. Don’t misunderstand me, it’s been harsh however it’s been enjoyable. So now I get to at last answer your inquiry regarding the entirety of the correct turns. My response to you is this, â€Å"While two wrongs don’t make a right, three right’s make a left.â€
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Standards of Living Essay -- Economics Essays
Ways of life In Stone Age Economics Marshall Sahlins contrasts the monetary system of mechanical social orders to tracker gatherer social orders. In doing so he dissipates previous thoughts that tracker gatherer social orders are poor, despondent and hungry. He clarifies this by declaring various important focuses. Initially, in a mechanical society, a person’s needs are very high, while his/her methods are restricted. Modern items are made to close this hole among needs and means. In a tracker gatherer society (the Zen street to prosperity as Sahlins depicts it), a person’s needs are low, while the specialized way to fulfill these needs are sufficient. For this situation the way of life is low contrasted with modern social orders however the individuals are fulfilled with regards to material items. In their eyes they have bounty (Sahlins, 1972:2). Preceding the 1970's many accepted that tracker gatherer social orders were poor and despondent. Westerners accepted that these gatherings lived deficiently with rare assets. Nonetheless, Sahlins states that it is present day entrepreneur social orders that are managing shortage as they have set such an accentuation on material merchandise. Utilization for this situation has lead to insufficiency and in the long run hardship in mechanical social orders (Sahlins, 1972:4). In Sahlins’ model each acquisition of something is a previous of something different (Sahlins, 1972:4). Be that as it may, in a tracker gatherer society, there is nothing of the sort as material riches, and subsequently no hardship, or despondency. Trackers are good to go for their wellbeing. . . bow and bolt are sufficient keeping that in mind (Sahlins, 1972:5). In tracker gatherer social orders, material riches has become a weight as it smothers their profoundly versatile way of life. In this... ... furthermore, liquor. These variables have changed their portable, proportional lifestyle and has welcomed on numerous contentions just as a writing material life. The aftereffects of these progressions accentuate how the Ju (and other tracker gatherer gatherings) have kept up an effective way of life by portability and scrounging. Their way of life has dropped with the beginning of western thoughts and advancements. A significant number of them recollect the old lifestyle, yet by what means will they come back to that? I feel that it is critical to gain from the Ju and other tracker gatherer gatherings. Not every person can live as we, in the innovative, profoundly mechanical, free enterprise society, can. My inquiry is, as various pieces of the world are affected by private enterprise would governments be able to help tracker gatherers in a free enterprise society and will there ever be an arrival to along these lines of life by individuals like the Ju/’hoansi?
Friday, August 21, 2020
Peruse in your course reading or in some other accessible asset on the subject of Verb BE. 3. Compose an individual advertisement portraying yourself, exercises you do, interests, where you work, where do you live, and so on. Concentrate on a few inquiries accessible in Appendix A to compose your promotion. 4. Carry the promotion to class. Prep-04-26-04 Carmen L. Lambda, De-D. 7 program O'Hara 5. Complete some exploration on somebody well known. Think about an individual you might want to meet and do some exploration on the Internet on that individual. It could be a competitor, and on-screen character or on-screen character, or the president. Ensure you have enough data on this individual. Exercises 1. Ice breaker movement will be conveyed out.In request to do this, have understudies perused their advertisements. Request that understudies tune in to the promotions and have them write down any comparability or striking truth they might want to hear increasingly about. After everybody peruses their promotion, have understudies get moving about the room and get some information about explicit subtleties they thought were fascinating. Let them talk among themselves. . From that point onward, have understudies talk about something they discovered or contemplated the individuals they conversed with. Facilitator can take part in this action. 3. Facilitator gives an outline of the course. Specific accentuation ought to be set on targets, assessment measures, understudy investment, and gathering work.If any progressions are made to the reviewing assessment rules, these ought to be given recorded as a hard copy to the understudy and the workplace program during the main workshop. 4. Talk about assessment measures. 5. Select Student Representative. 6. Advise understudies they are going to survey the letters in order and above all else audit sequential request. Disclose to them you are going to give every understudy a card. Each card has the name of an alternate creature, or thing. Request that understudies take a gander at their card, however mention to nobody what they have. By acting (strolling, acting, or making seems) like the creature or thing they ought to circumvent the room and attempt to put themselves in right in sequential order order.Facilitator ought to make his/her own rundown of things and creatures, yet these are a few models: a. Kangaroo b. Ostrich c. Tiger d. Bear 8 e. Clock f. Snake g. Flying creature h. Train 7. Furnish understudies with around 10 minutes to attempt to sort themselves in order. When understudies are arranged, have them perused out their card. Did they hit the nail on the head? Make certain to audit any arranging addresses they may have. 8. Present understudies with a survey of the VERB BE in current state. Am from Mexico City (l am) What's your name? (What is) My name is Maria Where are you from? 9. Have understudies pair up. Request that understudies meet one another, ensuring every understudy gets the name, tel ephone number and address of the individual he/she is meeting. 10.Have understudies present the individual by giving the subtleties mentioned (telephone number, name, and address). Have them utilize the expressions: This is (name). His/Her location is His/Her telephone number . 11. As understudies state the data help them and guide them to state the addresses and telephone numbers effectively focusing on the numbers and on utilizing the action word be accurately. 12. Have understudies again pair up. Facilitator should have a go at blending them up with somebody distinctive each time. Request that they choose a renowned individual they might want to meet. This popular individual could be a competitor, on-screen character, entertainer, or president. Utilize the exploration you did preceding the workshop. 13. Review a meeting for that renowned person.Have One of the understudies depict the celebrated individual and have the other individual be the questioner. Practice your meeting and present the pretend to the class. Make certain to utilize action word be effectively. 9 14. Have understudies total the task introduced in Appendix B. Understudies should turn in during the following (Workshop 2). (Clue: Make duplicates of the task and deliver once you complete it. 15. Offer a see of Workshop 2 and talk about up and coming schoolwork. With the end goal for understudies to finish the schoolwork, request that they work in gatherings. Ensure the piece of the gathering has been chosen before they leave the study hall. Request that they furnish you with a rundown with the gathering individuals. Gatherings ought not have multiple understudies.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
What is an Ideology Essay - 825 Words
What is an Ideology (Essay Sample) Content: What is an ideology?An ideology may be considered as important as the heart of the society in the interpretation of cultural system. It is one of the minor ironies of advanced intellectual history that the notion of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"ideologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ has itself become comprehensively ideologized. Considering the anthropological notion of culture, in which Clifford Geertz (2000) has been both prominent advocate and influential definer, has played a significant role in present historiography and social discipline. In the same sense, concerning the study and interpretation of cultural system in the society, "the study of ideology deals with a mode of thinking which is thrown off its proper use" (Clifford Geertz, 2000). The notion of ideology has contended crude sociological reductionism and prompted a concern for close perspective reading of cultural phenomena constructed on the analogy of scripts. Concerning the issue of interpretation of cultures with regards to ideolo gy as cultural systems, several researchers have applied their general notion of culture to the particular concept of ideology since this may leads the society to something beneficial, not like in the liberal democratic humanity, where everybody is for himself. Considering the German ideology perspective as noted by Marx et al. (2011), ideology encompasses example on how to lead and educate the humanity, otherwise the humanity will split and will not be in a position to deal amicably with all global issues like the cultural interpretation that it has. The need to fully understand the importance of ideology is inevitable, because without ideas that can help address the issue of cultural interpretation, our future is empty and dark. Ideology is one of the most commonly used terms in political science as envisaged by Clifford Geertz (2000) on the concept of German ideologies and as a result, ideology found its way in several political debates in which politicians and the "common man on the street" liked the word ideology.Whenever the notion of ideology is applied by anyone, it always carries a ring of accusation accompanied by a possible slander. It is therefore one of the terminology that almost everybody is happy to use but when interrogated what it really stands for will come up with vague answers or perspectives that seem to be very different or even contradictory to the thoughts expressed by the next person, and as a result, "The problem of ideology arises where there is discrepancy between what is believed and what can be established as scientifically correct." (Clifford Geertz, 2000).Ideology may be termed as a belief or sets of beliefs, particularly the political perspectives on which people, parties, or nations base their considerations. In addition, quite a number of concepts play an important role in the present day discussions of historical and political issues than does that of ideology, and yet it is not normally clear what meaning is applied to the notion of ideology by those who employ it (Marx et al., 2011). Even in situations when one confines ones attention to the perspectives of sociologists and historians, not considering an account of terminological misuse apparently inseparable from ordinary political discourse, it is evident that various and conflicting notions are intended by writers who casually refer to the concept of ideology as a political movement, hence the notion of ideology is most commonly applied in social sciences. In several circumstances, the concept of ideology can be applied to a wide variety of moving ideas in the current situation. Ideologies are conditioned and are perceived to be determined by the geographical and climatic condition, habitual operations and cultural environment of the concerned groups.Depending on the policies of a concerned nation, an ideology may be imposed upon the citizens forcibly or by a technique of propaganda. The major ideologies in the modern world are democracy in which the nation functions to go by the will of its citizens and totalitarianism, in which the citizens are subordinated to the nation. In a democratic nation, the notion of ideology is exercised actively on the political platforms. Some political platforms are regarded to be more ideological than others. Therefore, the concept of political ideology implies a common and a wide-ranging philosophy encompassing convictions on what ultimate issues are most worth accomplishing, the fundamental characteristics of human life and politics, and the proper connections of means to ends, hence "the assumption that politics should be conducted from the standpoint of a coherent, comprehensive set of beliefs must override every other consideration." (Marx et al., 2011) In addition, since an individual may belong to more than one group, it is ideally possible for him to contain conflicting ideologies as Clifford Geertz (2000) observed. Hence, an individual may hold to a religious slogan in the brotherh ood of man and at ...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Epic Poem Beowulf - 3048 Words
Given, the current high profile debate with regard to dating the epic poem Beowulf, it is quite surprising that some scholars go as far as placing it during the Vendel era around 550 - 793 CE. Eventhough it is considered as a kind of folk tale, many are those who believe it happened towards the early Vendel era. As a rebuttal to this point, it might be convincingly argued that this period is also referred to as the Germanic Iron Age. Moreover, this era saw the rise of Norse mythology, which is very fatalistic in nature; it focuses on a world coming to an end in a great cataclysm. Along with this fatalism comes the willingness to die. That’s why warriors would go to fight in battles and combats. Surprisingly enough, not only the heroes die but so do the Gods. Therefore, the central value of this culture is glory and heroism. Having considered the fundamental premises upon which the Poem Beowulf took ground , it is also reasonable to look at the epitome of this epic poem which s tarts with a tale about the ancestors of the Danish king, Hrothgar who wins great fame and wealth in different battles. Therefore, he built a Mead-Hall called Herot, to commemorate his victories. The Mead-Hall took its name from a popular drink, mead, being fermented liquor which was drunk at banquets and celebrations. Herot is also a place intended for peace and community.The Mead-Hall is also a place where Hrothgar rewarded his followers for their loyalty. Evidence for in support of this opinion, canShow MoreRelatedBeowulf As An Epic Poem1940 Words  | 8 PagesBeowulf as an Epic Poem Beowulf is a legendary Old English poem believed to have been written in the eighth or ninth century. Though its origin is unclear and its author is unknown this poem has continued through time. Portions of the original transcript have been lost with the passing of time and many translations of the work have been made. Each version of the work one aspect has remained the same, its hero. In all versions of the poem the hero is characterized by his impressive strength, braveryRead MoreEpic Poem Beowulf 805 Words  | 4 PagesBeowulf is à °n à °mà °zing, epic poem with greà °t quests à °nd epic fight scenes throughout the story. It à °lso hà °d mà °ny depressing à °nd sà °d moment plà °ced in the poem. In this poem it hà °s mà °ny recurring themes plà °ced by the à °uthor. One of the centrà °l themes of Beowulf, embodied by its title chà °rà °cter, is feà °lty. à °t every step of his cà °reer, feà °lty is Beowulf s guiding virtue. Feà °lthy meà °ns à ° feu dà °l tenà °nts or và °ssà °ls sworn loyà °lty to à ° lord. There were mà °ny greà °t exà °mples of feà °lty in the epic poem BeowulfRead MoreThe Epic Poem Beowulf 3137 Words  | 13 Pages11 Given, the current high profile debate with regard to dating the epic poem Beowulf, it is quite surprising that some scholars go as far as placing it during the Vendel era around 550 - 793 CE. Eventhough it is considered as a kind of folk tale, many are those who believe it happened towards the early Vendel era. As a rebuttal to this point, it might be?convincingly argued?that this period is also referred to as the Germanic Iron Age. Moreover, this era saw the rise of Norse mythology, whichRead More Epic of Beowulf Essay - An Epic Poem1656 Words  | 7 PagesBeowulf: An Epic Poem      To qualify as an epic poem, Beowulf reflects the values of the culture in which it was created. The Anglo-Saxon culture and the poem share many of the same values. They shared a heroic ideal that included loyalty, strength, courage, courtesy, and generosity. Like all epic poems Beowulf is a long narrative work that tells the adventures of a great hero and also reflects the values of the society in which it was written. Both Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxons believedRead MoreBeowulf Is The Longest Epic Poem1316 Words  | 6 PagesBeowulf is the longest epic poem written in Old English. The story centers around the exploits of Beowulf, a heroic warrior known for his strength and bravery. The theme of heroism is prevalent throughout the poem through the use of conflict between good and evil forces. Beowulf is often engaged in selfless conquests in the pursuit of saving others, resulting in his emergence as the hero of the story. The text, while focusing on the main th eme of heroism, is divided into two main parts, Beowulf asRead MoreThe Epic Scale Of The Poem Beowulf 2968 Words  | 12 PagesThe Anglo-Saxon story of Beowulf, as it appears in the version written by an unknown author in the early Middle Ages, is unique as a rare surviving example of epic poetry in the English tradition. In this paper, I will show the qualities that make Beowulf an epic, and I will explain the significance of the epic scale of the poem by looking at the battles that take place in the story. The three great beasts that Beowulf has to defeat represent the fears of the Danes about the uncontrollable violenceRead MoreBeowulf Is The Longest Epic Poem1239 Words  | 5 Pages Beowulf is the longest epic poem written in old english ever published. The composition centres around the exploits of Beowulf, a heroic warrior known for his strength and bravery. Themes of heroism are prevalent in the famous piece of literature in relation to its noble protagonist. The poem follows an adventurous plot containing conflict between both good and evil forces. Beowulf is often engaged in selfless conquests in the pursuit of saving others from evil forces, resulting in his emergenceRead MoreHow Beowulf Is An Epic Poem934 Words  | 4 PagesTo Leave a Footprint Beowulf is an epic poem written 1000 to 1300 years ago in Old English and translated by Seamus Heaney into Modern English. Beowulf is a significant piece of literature art work not only because it is one of the earliest known works, but also because it reflects and represents the authors, the Anglo-Saxons’ culture and values. At first, this story was passed around orally, from one person to another. Then, later on, the Anglo-Saxons wrote the entire story down into a manuscriptRead MoreBeowulf And The Anglo Saxon Epic Poem, Beowulf1637 Words  | 7 Pages In the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, Beowulf, a myriad of virtues define the warrior Beowulf. Coming from his homeland, Geatland, he arrives in the land of the Danes resolute in helping King Hrothgar defeat an evil monster, Grendel. Beowulf is an impressive, strong warrior who will triumphantly defeat Grendel; moreover, he will demonstrate how one must seek glory before death, a legacy. A man’s reputation and his lineage i s exceedingly important in the patriarchal society Beowulf lives in. ConsequentlyRead More The Epic Poem - Beowulf Essay2255 Words  | 10 Pages        Beowulf is an epic poem. Why? Because (1) it is a long narrative work that relates the adventures of a great hero and (2) it reflects the values of the Anglo-Saxon society in which it was written prior to 1000AD. This Old English poem in unrhymed, four-beat alliterative style narrates, through the course of about 3200 verses, the bold killing of two monsters, Grendel and his Mother, and a fire-dragon, as well as numerous other brave deeds in lesser detail, by Beowulf, â€Å"the strongest
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leslie Knope s Privilege And White Feminism Essay
Leslie Knope’s Privilege and White Feminism in Parks And Recreation Parks And Recreation is a work place comedy utilizing dry humor to comment on the current American government system. The main character, Leslie Knope, is a white middle-aged cis-gender female who loves capitalist government, breakfast foods, and strongly believes that if you put in the hard work you can overcome anything. The show succeeds in demonstrating a women in a position of power, climbing through the ranks, and assumingly breaking the glass ceiling in the end; however, the show also succeeds in demonstrating white privilege and not recognizing Leslie Knope’s privilege. While also glorifying a capitalist society, the show refuses to acknowledge that gender inequality and racial inequality go hand in hand, due to the hierarchal nature of capitalism. Parks And Recreation portrays what white feminism looks like - underrepresentation of people of color, their struggles, systematic racism, and more. White feminism is a central problem with Hollywood’s idea of what feminism is today. People like Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Swift, and our fictional focus for analysis, Leslie Knope fail to recognize the intersection that gender, race, and LGBTQ+ have with each other. The show fails to represent people of color appropriately, does not intersect race inequality and even perpetuates racial stereotypes, doesn’t hold women of color to the same standard, and more. These are all factors
Genghis Khan Essay Example For Students
Genghis Khan Essay Genghis Khan, or Ghengis Khan as he is more widely known, was born about the year 1162 to a Mongol chieftain, Yesugei, and his wife. He was born with the name of Temujin, which means iron worker in his native language. When Temujin was born his fist was clutching a blood clot which was declared an omen that he was destined to become a heroic warrior.Very little is known of Temujin until he was around age 13 when his father declared that his son was to find a fiance and get married. After several days of travel Temujin and Yesugei came across a tribe of Mongols that were very hospitable and welcoming. Temujin was not there long when he noticed a certain girl, Borte the daughter of the chieftain. She was destined to become his wife. Temujins father died when Temjin was still young, poisoned by a group of Tatars. The Tatars were the chief power on the eastern Mongolia at the time, and long- time rivals of the Mongols. When Temujin heard how his father had died, vowed one day to avenge t he death. Temujin left Borte, returned to his tribe, with the intention to declare himself leader. At this time he was 13 years of age. Senior members of the tribe ridiculed his plans; rejected him as chief, and abandoned the youngster and his family to the Mongolian plains. While there were noble lineages among the Mongols, such as Temujins, they did not enjoy the automatic loyalty of others. Nor did seniority guarantee a position of influence or power. Leadership seems to have often been a more informal institution, open to those with the right to contest for it. As a result of this rejection, Temujin extended his vengeful intentions to his own clan members. Life was very hard for the family. It is related that when Temujin discovered his own brother stealing food from the group had no hesitation in killing him. News that he was a stern leader that would kill his own brother to keep order became widely known. On a hunting trip he was ambushed by an enemy tribe and taken prisoner. While priso ner he killed his guard and escaped. The enemy searched, but excellent survival skills kept him alive until he could meet up with his own tribe. This act of courage spread his name to all parts of the Mongolian plains. Shortly after, another raid by strangers left the family with one horse and very little food. Temujin took chase but could not catch them. During his chase he met up with Bogurchi, the son of a rich man, who would become a blood- brother and trusted ally. Bogurchi helped Temujin retrieve the stolen horses but the thieves escaped. Word of these exploits became greatly exaggerated to thus enhance his reputation even further. After four years, the time had come to marry Borte. As a wedding present her father gave him a very rare black sable fur. This gift proved to be one of the most important assets ever given to Temujin. Temujin used it to persuade Togrul, his fathers sworn-brother, to join him in revenge attacks against the Tatars and other Mongol enemies. Togrul agre ed to join and reconcile all of Temujins fathers men. Temujin was now aged seventeen. Already his road to glory had begun. Word of Temujin and Togrul spread far and wide. They called all Mongols to unite and defeat their enemies. Thousands of people came bringing weapons, food, and families. Temujin now had thousands of people under his command. The army became highly organized. They were divided into groups of tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands. Each soldier carried his own food which usually consisted of powdered yak milk and dried milk and when food was scarce the soldiers would open up a vein of their horse to drink its blood. In 1183 the Mongols that gathered declared Temujin their great Khan, or king, giving him the name Genghis. At this time, he was still a junior member of the lineage, and his election is thus somewhat of a surprise. It may well have been an attempt by senior members of the lineage to install a Khan they thought they could control. This political m aneuvering was not spectacularly successful. Causal Argument : The Negative Effect Of Mmprpg 's Online Role Playing Game EssayUpon his death the main expansionist phase of Mongol conquest ended as the armies returned home to elect a new Khan. The vast empire, now came under the banner of his son Ogadai. It was divided into three, with each region controlled by another son of Ghengis. While normally thought of as a despot, Ghengis Khan was also generous and loyal. A highly charismatic man, he nonetheless also expected loyalty from everyone, including those who served his opponents. He is reputed to have put to death people who, thinking they would gain his good graces, betrayed their lords to him. In the West, it is usually Ghengiss brilliance as a military commander that is dwelt upon. And indeed, this attention is deserved. It should be noted, however, that certain misconceptions appear to linger concerning the Mongols. They did not, in fact, invent the tactics they used with such effectiveness against their enemies, such as the feigned retreat. Rather, they brought to a new level old nomad military tactics. Even Ghengiss much vaunted organization of the military on a decimal system was to be found among the Xiong-nu, although arranging it to cut across lineages, and thus ensure greater loyalty to the leader, apparently was an innovation. Innovative too, was Ghe ngiss tendency to pluck people from the ranks. Although noble birth may well have given one a head start, one could only be assured of advancement through the ranks based on ability and loyalty. In present-day Mongolia, it is not so much his military attributes that are emphasized, but rather his administrative abilities. One should further be aware that although we talk of the Mongol army, the reality is more complicated. The commanders were indeed Mongol (even defining Mongol in this context can be tricky), but the soldiers were drawn from allies and conquered areas. Engineers from conquered sedentary populations were put into action as siege experts, and even the cavalry was a mixture of Mongol and other nomadic groups. The success of the Mongol conquests should also be attributed at least in part to two other factors. One was military intelligence. The Mongols had an extensive network of spies and usually had extensive information of an enemy before they engaged them in battle. The other was their use of psychological warfare. Much is made of the total destruction of cities in Central Asia by the Mongols. What is normally overlooked, however, is that this was more of an exception than a rule. If a city capitulated, Ghengis Khan was usually content to let them be, once their defenses had been pulled down. Only those who resisted faced the sword. This not only wiped out resistance, but more importantly, word quickly spread of the wrath of Ghengis Khan, and many peoples found it easier to submit than to resist. In short, although the Mongol successes may appear astounding, they are explainable by ordinary means. One need not look for some mystical explanation. Indeed, to do so does a disservice to the true talents of Ghengis Khan and the Mongols of the thirteenth century.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Police Organization Paper free essay sample
Paper soon 3/18/2012 this paper am going to explain to you the various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and how each is organized. I will also identify the principal roles and functions of police organizations and their roles as they relate to the law. When I am finished with my paper you should have a better understanding of police organizing and how police organization works. The united States has one of the most complex law enforcement systems because of the various levels of their logging agencies.In the United stated each town, county, state, city, and small village has its Oh policing agency. Even though there are various police agencies the structural organization Is similar. This is because all law enforcement agencies have the same objective. The organizations of the police agencies are hierarchical. Police institutions can be analyzed like organizations with several key components (Alveolar, 2008). We will write a custom essay sample on Police Organization Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These organizations are designed with rank structure, separate departments and units.These components work together to form a fully functioning law enforcement agency. Some examples of local agencies are city, county, town, and incorporated village police. These agencies work together in order to ensure safety at a local level. There are many different functions and roles of the local police agencies. Local police are responsible for performing many routine activities. The duties Include patrolling the neighborhood community, enforcing the law, providing emergency services, conducting investigations, and upholding community relations. Local police are not responsible for enforcing the law outside their Jurisdiction and assistant Is needed at a higher level (Congressional Digest, 1965). As far as state level goes there are also various agencies. These agencies Include state and port authority police. State police agencies have many roles when it comes to the law. The state agencies are responsible for keeping the area within the state safe, keep our highways safe, and keep our parks free of crime, violent, and violations.Federal levels are responsible for coming In and stepping up when our lower levels of authority are in desperate need of help ( example: An older man meeting up with a girl whom he had met online). The FBI has to get involved when it comes to this. Sometimes also when dealing with federal you end up dealing with government as well. The FBI and other federal police help solve crimes that lower authority cannot handle or sometimes just need some help.So as you can see the police levels have to be well organized in order to be effective and in well working order. In this paper I have explained toy the various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and how each Is organized. I have also identified the principal roles and functions of police organizations and their roles as they relate to the law. You should now have a better understanding of police organizing and how police organization.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
The Peculiarity of Class Stratification
The Peculiarity of Class Stratification Introduction Nowadays there are only a few communities which can be regarded as non-class societies. There hardly can be found a state which is not characterized by class stratification. Nevertheless, people still cannot agree on basic points concerning class stratification: the definition of class, origins of classes emerging. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Peculiarity of Class Stratification specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, there are several theories explaining what the class is and why did classes appear. The only idea that all people share is that the existence of classes is a specific form of inequality. The essence of this inequality becomes transparent when comparing non-class and class societies. Theories concerning class existence In the first place it can be helpful to focus on the class theories provided by scholars. Thus, conventional Marxist approach to the class definition which can be formu lated as follows: â€Å"a relationship to the tools, labor and materials needed for necessary productions†(Gailey, 1985, p. 67). Basically, property and access to gaining income determine class stratification (Weber, 1998). However, this approach was developed and rethought be many scholars. For instance, stated that anthropologist Morton Fried, who was regarded as a Marxist approach supporter, transformed the definition and made the major stress on â€Å"unequal access to the basic resources that sustain life†(qtd. in Gailey, 1985, p. 67). As far as the class existence is concerned, some scholars (Fried is one of them) suppose that the major factor of class emerging was population pressure. Gailey (1985) points out that another scholar, Esther Boserup, suggested that the development of agriculture led to population growth, which in its turn caused class stratification. Nevertheless, Gailey (1985) claims that such theories are quite equivocal since population pressu re has little to do with class stratification. For instance, Wrigley argues that European industrial revolution, which is regarded as one of the most potent factors of class stratification, was accompanied by population decrease. Admittedly, the theories differ in some points. However, it is possible to note the thing which they all have in common: class stratification is one of the types of inequality. It is based on certain economical factors.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The difference between the class stratification and other kinds of inequalities To understand the essence of class stratification it is important to juxtapose it to other types of inequality such as gender inequality or status segregation (existence of castes). As has been mentioned above the class stratification is based on economical development of the society. At the same time, gender inequali ty is â€Å"associated with masculinity†(Gailey, 1987, p. 32). Thus, there are two groups: males and females. Males are regarded as a privileged group. This kind of inequality is based on historical factors. According to Gailey (1987) patriarchic societies grew from the assumption that aggressiveness, strength and power are characteristic features of masculinity, while females were characterized by patience and obedience. Another type of inequality is status inequality, i.e. the existence of castes. It was developed on the basis of ethnic segregation (Weber, 1998). After certain relationships between ethnic groups some started enjoying power and others became deprived of numerous rights. It is important to point out that this kind of inequality is also historically determined. More so, people do not have much of a choice, they are born to pertain to certain group. After having compared the three types of inequality it possible to state that class stratification is more flex ible. For instance, an individual can pertain to one class when born and then appear in many classes throughout his her life. Thus, a person can be born in a poor family than obtain certain education and even become a white-collar worker, then becoming a rich person. Of course, the person can become a bankrupt and these transformations can take place many times. Admittedly, as far as gender and ethnic segregation are concerned, such shifts from one group to another are much more difficult to implement. Class and non-class societies Of course, it may seem that the modern world is full of such inequalities. Nevertheless, there were times when there were no classes. In fact, even nowadays it is possible to find communities which live in non-class societies. The main difference between class and non-class societies is that class societies are individualistic or individual-oriented and non-class societies are collectivistic, i.e. they are dependent on their collective labor (Leacock, 19 82). In class societies many people do not produce anything but fulfill certain tasks. They buy products for money they gain. In non-class societies people used to produce what they needed and/or changed their goods on something they did not produce but needed. Thus, tribes produced food and could change it for cloths produced by other tribes. Admittedly, nowadays it is hard to imagine that such schemes are possible since the development of societies has led to class stratification.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Peculiarity of Class Stratification specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion In conclusion, class stratification is based on economical factors. The major factor which influenced the class stratification was the development of societies (mainly economical development). It differs from other types of inequality by its flexibility. Reference List Gailey, C.W. (1985). The State of the State in Anthrop ology. Dialectical Anthropology, 9(1-4), 65-89. Gailey, C.W. (1987). Evolutionary Perspectives on Gender Hierarchy. In B.B. Hess M.M. Ferree (Eds.), Analyzing Gender: A Handbook of Social Science Research (pp. 32-68). Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. Leacock, E.B. (1982). Relations of Production in Band Society. In E.B. Leacock R.B. Lee (Eds.), Politics and History in Band Societies (pp. 159-171). New York: CUP. Weber, M. (1998). Class, Status, Party. In R.F. Levine (Ed.), Social Class and Stratification: Classic Statements and Theoretical Debates (pp. 43-57). Boston: Rowman Littlefield.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Lean management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Lean management - Essay Example Procurement establishes a set of rules, strategies and plans to be followed when acquiring products and services that are added to the supply chain. Order management keeps track of the whole process; it determines where some changes can be made. Logistics cover for the complex systems that incorporate large organizations expanding rapidly and need to grow simultaneously (Blanchard, 2010). The managing of returns accelerates the process of realizing the company’s progress, loss or profit. Finally, the process of planning and forecasting is trivial on the future of the enterprise. All of the discussed features are adapted using an efficient or responsive supply chain. An effective supply chain is characterized by; long production times, large batch sizes and high set up costs. An example is the process of implementing upgrades in the company, the process has to be thoroughly researched, and the best options selected (Blanchard, 2010). Responsive chain supply is characterized by; short production lead times, small batch sizes and low setup costs. An example is the introduction of a new product in the company due to its demand. A food processing company, for example, will shift to developing a newly discovered flavor for its customers when it is on high
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Substance Abuse Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Substance Abuse - Research Paper Example However, according to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA 2011), it is a common misreading that drug abusers lack moral principles or will power essential for changing their behavioral traits. In reality, drug addiction is a complicated state of health which encourages compulsive drug abuse in individuals. As a result, it becomes very difficult for users to give up the habit despite their aspiration to do so. This paper will evaluate various causes and implications of substance abuse specifically about the use of alcohol, prescribed drugs, and illegal drugs. Alcohol abuse To begin with, in American society, numerous beliefs persist regarding alcohol consumption. In the colonial era, the American community believed that alcohol was the â€Å"good gift of god†solely meant enjoyment. However, decades later, US government prohibited alcohol sale and consumption in the country as the science proved that alcohol consumption raised serious issues such as poverty, violence, and he alth problems. However, now US regulations allow people to enjoy alcohol beverage. Subsequently, the number of younger alcoholics is alarmingly increasing in the present US society. As per the reports of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Oct 22, 2010), 14,046 people die each year due to alcoholic liver diseases; and at the same time, alcohol induced deaths excluding accidents and homicides constitutes 23,199. Prescription drugs abuse From the legal point of view, a prescription drug is a licensed medicine which can be legally used with the prescription of a physician. Heroin and aspirin are the examples of prescription drugs. Although they are licensed medicine, they also can cause many health issues. Generally, dispensation of prescription drugs includes a detailed description regarding its contents. In United States, a special regulation called Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act defines prescription drug requirements. According to this act, medical practitioners who pr escribe a drug must possess specific qualifications. Furthermore, while prescribing medical drugs, a physician must make his patient aware of the intended effects of the drugs and its expected side effects. However, prescription drugs are largely misused for intoxication purposes across the States, which has evoked the governmental attention to the issue. Obviously, unethical drug marketing plays a major role in the rampant growth of prescription drug abuse. Illegal drug abuse Illegal drug trade offers large opportunities to global black markets as it includes the manufacture, distribution, and sale of substances which are prohibited by drug prevention laws. Hashish, Cocaine, and Crack are some of the examples of illegal drugs. According to the UN report, â€Å"global drug trade generated an estimated $321.6 billion in 2003†(Pollard, 2005). The drug prevention laws were the main causes that persuaded international black markets to trade drugs illegally. Despite the strict re gulations and penalties imposed on illegal drug traders and users, the US government has not yet succeeded to control this illegal activity. Illegal drugs leave more dreadful impacts than legal drugs on users because the illicit drug manufacturers add excessive addictives to their products with intent to attract and retain more users. Causes of substance abuse Undoubtedly substance abuse is a serious problem that affects a person both mentally and
Friday, January 31, 2020
The Strategic Importance of the Battle of Fort Donelson Research Paper
The Strategic Importance of the Battle of Fort Donelson - Research Paper Example John Thayer became the leader of the Nebraska regiment. The regiment spent time in Missouri with General John Fremont in preparation for the war. The regiment marched directly through St. Louis where it was reported that several people thronged by the road to witness their hero. In December, the troops were under a constabulary duty to defend their state. The State had experienced some defeats earlier in August and this had caused many fears to the State. To defend them, the State waged a tactical guerilla war and bushwalking to counter their enemies. Major General Sterling Price had managed to confide all the southern in Missouri State with the aid of union forces (Cooling 2003). This force joined another union under the control of Major Brig and Gen. John Pope who struggled to restore peace and order in the northern part. As a trial, the Nebraska participated in a skirmish at Shawnee mound on the Black River. The union managed to capture other hundreds of confederates and the warmo ngers were appreciated for their efforts. By this time, the troupe now was ready for the campaign in 1862. In January 1862, Gen. Ulysses Grant commanded a garrison at Kentucky and convinced the commander of Missouri Gen. Henry Halleck that they were to break the western defense force in order to conquer that State. In this regard, first Donelson, which was near River Tennessee were the weakest and most attractive link between Mississippi and Cumberland Gap. Grant won the support from Andrew Foote and the two launched a strong army, which were determined to win this confederate and bring it under their control. Grant had fears that his troop had few men and thus he had to strengthen his army before he made any move (Palagruto 2010). He used two methods to reinforce his troops as he first stripped his department and eliminated any regiment that could arise as opponent to his mission and secondly, Hallenick made orders that could forward the zealous and untested the Nebraska in order t o test the strength of Nebraska. The Nebraskans boarded a train to St. Louis while the regiment group opted for a steamer train to transport them to join Grant’s troop. Several groups started to arrive at fort Henry and Grant immediately ordered these boats to move further to Cumberland where they could carry out their operations. This was meant to reinforce grant’s operations in fort Donelson. The heavy February rains in the area dismantled transportation along the rivers and at the same time Grant’s troop were facing opposition from stubborn defenders at fort Donelson. The port was not easily conquered as it had several creeks, heavy woods, ravines, and the current floods. The Tennessean fighters were out to defend their land and they managed to guard their guard (Palagruto, 2010). The confederates understood that Tennessee, Mississippi, and Cumberland River were the vital targets by the rebel forces. Thus, they could not allow them to access this area for it linked the North and the South. In addition, the rivers were a major means of transport between the two states that is the South and the North. The Southerners struggled all their best to defend these rivers as the North could easily attack them. The confederate prepared well by constructing Fort Henry along River Tennessee and fort Donelson along river Cumberland to act as protection against their enemies. The two ports
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Canadarm :: essays research papers
Canadarm Although Canada has been involved with the space race since the beginning, nothing has made our national pride glow like watching the space shuttles and seeing the big letters CANADA written across the Canadarm. The Canadarm was fist launched into space on November 13, 1981 as part of Columbia. During that mission, the Canadarm successfully flexed its muscles and secured its position in the future of space travel. It was developed by Spar Aerospace with the National Research Council and modelled after the human arm. Otherwise known as a Remote Manipulator System, it could lift 30 tonnes in space while being monitored and operated from the indoor shuttle flight deck. The Canadarm is about to introduce its new and improved sibling. Back in 1987, when documents were signed between countries to work towards a permanently manned Space Station, Canada agreed to provide a Mobile Servicing System (MSS). The MSS will be an integral part of the Space Station from the beginning, it will be used in the assembly, maintenance and servicing of the Station. In return, Canadians will be able to have full use of the Station and will assist with its management. Canadian Astronaut Julie Payette will be operating the new arm on its first mission and explains how in the following excerpt from a NASA Preflight Interview: "This arm flies like an airplane, it's a six-dimension arm where you can rotate the tip of the arm, so you can translate that tip along the cargo bay of the shuttle and up the stack of the International Space Station. It is an absolute joy to fly. Right after the space walk is complete is when I am timelined in the flight to go on the controls of the Canadarm, as we call it in Canada, or the remote manipulator system. I will use the camera, which is mounted at the end of the tip of the arm, to survey all the targets that are placed on the Space Station, the space vision target. I survey them to see if they're in good shape, any problems with them, if they've been scratched, and if there are bubbles in the material. The reason why the people from the space vision system program require that very thorough survey of every single target on the Space Station is that each target will be used on the next flight to manipulate and dock pieces of equipment together.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Cultural relativism Essay
The issue of universalism of human rights vs. cultural relativism has been a focal point of heated debate for the last several decades. As globalization is bringing nations together, cultural differences and peculiarities become increasingly more salient. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nation in 1948, lists several categories of rights that the peoples of the world have agreed to accept and recognize. These rights include the right to life, liberty and security of person; the right to be free from slavery and servitude; the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or arbitrary arrest, detention or exile; the right to marriage with the free and full consent of the parties; the right to own property; the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religionm; and the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work (United Nations, 1948). These rights are universally recognized because they protect the dignity of an individual and the basic social institutions which are present in virtually every culture. However, their universality is still contested, as â€Å"human rights as laid out in the international covenants ignore the traditions, the religions, and the socio-cultural patterns of what used to be called the Third World†(Tharoor, 1998, para. 1). For example, in some African societies, â€Å"group rights have always taken precedence over individual rights, and political decisions have been made through group consensus, not through individual assertions of rights†(Tharoor, 1998, para. 4). There are many instances when traditional practices conflict with universal human rights. For example, female genital mutilation, practiced by some African and Asian people for cultural and communal reasons, translates into irreversible lifelong health risks for females (UNICEF, 2008). The debate whether human rights are universal is perennial. It is important to recognize, however, that an effective framework for the protection of human rights can be developed only using a bottom-up approach, giving the broad support of a society where human rights are promoted. References Tharoor, Shashi. (1998). Are Human Rights Universal? World Policy Journal, 16(4). Retieved June 11, 2009, from http://www. worldpolicy. org/journal/tharoor. html UNICEF. (2008). Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. Retrieved June 11, 2009, from http://www. unicef. org/protection/index_genitalmutilation. html United Nations. (1948). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved June 11, 2009, from http://www. un. org/en/documents/udhr
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Understanding the Progressive Era
It can be difficult for students to understand the relevance of the period we call The Progressive Era because society before this period was very different from the society and the conditions we know today. We often assume that certain things have always been around, like laws about child labor and fire safety standards. If you are researching this era for a project or research paper, you should begin by thinking about the way things were before government and society changed in America. Before the events of the Progressive Era occurred (1890-1920), American society was much different. The federal government had less of an impact on the lives of the citizen than we know today. For example, there are laws that regulate the quality of food that is sold to American citizens, the wage that is paid to workers, and the work conditions that are endured by American workers. Before the Progressive Era food, living conditions, and employment was different. Children were employed in factoriesWages were low and unregulated (with no wage minimums)Factories were crammed and unsafeNo standards existed for food safetyNo safety net existed for citizens who couldnt find employmentHousing conditions were unregulatedThe environment was not protected by federal regulations The Progressive Movement refers to social and political movements that emerged in response to rapid industrialization from which caused societal ills. As cities and factories emerged and grew, quality of life declined for many American citizens. Many people worked to change the unjust conditions that existed as a result of the industrial growth that took place during the late 19th century. These early progressives thought that education and government intervention could ease poverty and social injustice. Key People and Events of the Progressive Era In 1886, the American Federation of Labor is founded by Samuel Gompers. This was one of many unions that emerged toward the end of the nineteenth century in response to unfair labor practices like long hours, child labor, and dangerous working conditions. Photojournalist Jacob Riis exposes deplorable living conditions in the slums of New York in his book How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York. Conservation of natural resources becomes a matter of public concern, as the Sierra Club was founded in 1892 by John Muir. Womens Suffrage gains steam when Carrie Chapman Catt becomes president of the National American Womens Suffrage Association. Theodore Roosevelt becomes president in 1901 after the death of McKinley. Roosevelt was an advocate for trust busting, or the breaking up of powerful monopolies that crushed competitors and controlled prices and wages. The American Socialist Party was established in 1901. Coal miners strike in Pennsylvania in 1902 to protest their terrible working conditions. In 1906, Upton Sinclair publishes The Jungle, which portrayed the deplorable conditions inside the meatpacking industry in Chicago. This led to the establishment of food and drug regulations. In 1911, a fire broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company, which occupied the eighth, ninth, and tenth floors of a building in New York. Most of the employees were young women aged sixteen to twenty-three, and many on the ninth floor perished because exits and fire escapes were locked and blocked by the company officials. The company was acquitted of any wrongdoing, but the outrage and sympathy from this event prompted legislation concerning unsafe working conditions. President Woodrow Wilson signs the Keating-Owens Act in 1916, which made it illegal to ship goods across state lines if they were produced by child labor. In 1920, Congress passed the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Research Topics for The Progressive Era What was life like for children who worked in factories? How was this different from the work of children who lived on farms?How did views on immigration and race change during the Progressive Era? Did the legislation of this era effect all people, or were certain populations most affected?How do you suppose the trust busting legislation affected business owners? Consider exploring the events of the Progressive Era from the point of view of wealthy industrialists.How did living conditions change for people who moved from the country to the cities during this time period? How were people better off or worse off during the shift from country living to city living?Who were the major figures in the Womens Suffrage movement? How was life impacted for these women who came forward?Explore and compare life in a mill village and life in a coal camp.Why did the concern for environmental issues and natural resource preservation emerge at the same time as concern and awareness for social issues like poverty? How are these topics related?Writers and photojournalists were key figures in Progressive Era reforms. How does their role compare to changes that have taken place due to the emergence of social media?How has the power of the federal government changed since the Progressive Era? How have the powers of individual states changed? What about the power of the individual?How would you compare the changes in society during the Progressive Era to changes in society during and after the Civil War?What is meant by the term progressive? Were the changes that took place during this time period actually progressive? What does the term progressive mean in the current political climate?The Seventeenth Amendment, which allowed for the direct election of US Senators, was ratified in 1913 during the period known as the Progressive Era. How does this reflect the sentiments of this period?There were many setbacks to the Progressive Era movements and campaigns. Who and what created these setbacks, and what were the interests of the parties involved?Prohibition, the constitutional ban on the production and transportation of alcoholic beverages, also took place during the Progressive Era. How and why was alcohol the subject of concern during this period? What was the impact of Prohibition, good and bad, on society?What was the role of the Supreme Court during the Progressive Era? Further Reading for The Progressive Era Prohibition and Progressive Reform The Fight for Womens Suffrage Muckrakers
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